September 08, 2009

I probably could met him.. [memori 7 tahun yang lalu]

berawal dari friend request temen SMP gu sekitar 2 minggu yg lalu.. he's the son of my mom's friend in her office.. after my confirm, he routinely message me just for a simply chat.. dan salah satunya, he inviting me to join the group of ILUMNI SMPN 44 angkatan 2002..

hari sabtu, gu dimessage lagi sama dy tentang rencana bukbar.. I just take it slow, cos in my experience, the suddenly event like this is not moving smoothly..
gu jg nanggepinnya santai2 aja..
tp td pagi gu buka FB, gu di tag poster bukbernya sama temen SD yg juga satu SMP.. trus juga ada event invitation segala..
hmmh.. so, it's serious dong yaaa...

ok! sekarang masalahnya adalah persis di tanggal yg sama, gu harus ngampus buat ngambil toga dkk.. tp gu mikir, yaudah laah.. mungkin emang belom saatnya gu ketemu sama mereka lagi..

sampe barusan gu ol FB.. ada lanjutan konfirmasi siapa2 aja yg pasti dtg.. and you know what! he's in there.. my 7 years ago memory.. he will come in that event!! dia yg gu pengen tau bgt kabarnya.. how is he look like now.. apakah dy tetep nakal ky dulu ato udah sukses dan tobat..
hmmh.. ok I'm getting lebay now! but yes I do want to know anything about him! everything about him.. all of him!!
tapi, kan aneh kalo tiba2 gu nanya, alan yg mana? hahhaha..

the problem is :
in the same day, I have to go to my campus in bogor, but the event is in jakarta.. if I'm not going to campus, how could I!? and if I couldn't go to that event, I don't know.. I don't have any idea.. maybe I'll regret it deeply all my life..
*mulai lebay lagi..

ok! I can't think clearly, because I'm on the highest level of nervous now!
any suggestion guys?